

“Long and hard is the way of teaching if it just goes by the rules, short and effective if it combines the example and the rules.


To transfer complex informations using simple notions, aware of the fact that to obtain whichever high goal it requires before to know the core of what is wanted to be shared.
To work as those enlightened teachers who in the schools use games and daily experience to get the pupils understand better the teaching.
Those fundamental concepts learned on school desks will ever not be forgotten and will be used all along the days of their lives.

This is what we tend to: to operate with sobriety and competence to disaggregate, discretize in simple concepts, ideas that only apparently look rather complicated.

Furthermore we do not want to be seen or considered only ad tedious technicians; we would love that our integrated work could convey emotions; and pushing us forward, we love to think that those emotions are the same we feel when we read poetry; the best is always the one that make ouy feel the emotional empathy permeating the Poet in the right moment of the composition.

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